Under the Legislation on Prevention of Unfair Competition in Imports, measures can be implemented against products identified as being imported at dumped or subsidized prices. These anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures may be circumvented through various means, such as alterations in origin or changes in customs tariff classifications.
The Ministry closely monitors imports of goods subject to these measures for potential circumvention practices. Anti-circumvention investigations may be initiated ex officio based on this monitoring or upon receipt of an application supported by sufficient evidence alleging circumvention of the existing measures. As a result of these investigations, the existing anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures may be extended to the relevant country or goods to ensure the effectiveness of the original measures.
The Ministry closely monitors imports of goods subject to these measures for potential circumvention practices. Anti-circumvention investigations may be initiated ex officio based on this monitoring or upon receipt of an application supported by sufficient evidence alleging circumvention of the existing measures. As a result of these investigations, the existing anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures may be extended to the relevant country or goods to ensure the effectiveness of the original measures.