Ö. Volkan Ağar

Deputy Minister

25 March 2022

Ö. Volkan AĞAR

Deputy Minister of Trade

Ö. Volkan AĞAR was born in 1972 in Ankara. After graduating from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, he received his master’s degree in Public Administration from Carnegie Mellon University in the USA.
Volkan AĞAR started his career in 1996 as an Assistant Foreign Trade Expert at the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade of the Prime Ministry, Directorate General of Imports. He later served in the positions of Foreign Trade Expert, Chief of Section and Head of Department. Mr. AĞAR also served as the Commercial Attaché at the Turkish Consulate General in Batumi between 2007-2009.
After working as the Deputy Director General of Exports at the Ministry of Economy, he had continued his career as the Director General of Exports for six years from January 2016. Mr. AĞAR was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Trade on 17.03.2022.
Ö. Volkan AĞAR speaks English. He is married with two children.